Senin, 30 Januari 2012


A movie narrating about a natural expedition which have scene challange and exclaim which is have background in Esa Ala - Papua Nuginie, a cave also famous as " Mother of cave in the world" what have never been reached by human being.
This movie is played by some figure  expedition team, which wish to check and trace the cave and note invention of them in national of geografi, they are one who very the expert in area of dive, climber, researcher of geography, and technology. they come from Australian and guided by local people which is expert of Papua Nuginie. they are Judes, Carl, Josua, George, Victoria, Luko, and Frank ( as leader of expedition team).

This story is started at the time of them reach very difficult location and can not reached by common people, because it’s needing very complete and high tecnologi equipments. Band access difficult, and also full of risk that's which they face to go to in cave, but after tracing the cave, this location have a beautiful view and so much natural mystery in it.
Previously some researcher team have studied about geographical condition of cave and wish to find short cut of cave to go to pasific ocean.
When they arrived in the base cave, their direct install the equipments, what needed appliance during expedition various dot. First activity conducted by Judes and of frank, for found some existing other gate in cave, and finally they find it. Here occurence do not be anticipated happened at the time of journey came leaky of gasometer,  victoria and frank try to divide oxygen but insufficient to they and finally victoria is die.
Considering limited time, that expedition have to be continued. But suddenly rainstorm go down,and rainwater enter into the cave, early  volume of water even also go up, all team have to leave location of their base camp, and must found for other gate way, and they find it, however  they had unluky because the appliance attached to send them to go to the top of cave was damage, so that they more have to found for other gate way and undesirable occurence even also continue happened, one by one  member of their team were die, because accident on the way.
Finally only remained Frank, Josua, and Carl. the fight also happened, because among them want to be leader and will found for the  way out alone. Frank and of Carl even also die, and only Josua which must make every effort to found for way out. his  life and  death is allowed the release of there,  because all equipments have destroyed and used up, like big oxygen tube, and there's only small oxygen tube which can be used. And finally effort of him  not useless because he have found way out and  he do not suspect, that the way is penetrate coastal area of beach in Papua Nuginie, and he reach for and deputize successfulness mission of expedition.
The Filosofis are :
·         1. we have to work along in one team to reach the same target.

·         2. we have to motivate one to the another,  in team.

·      3. when we facing situation which cannot be controlled don't become panic , but we have to taken coolly. so that  can control the condition.

·         4. If we doing any work use  felling for decison


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